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Your patient’s story doesn’t have to be captured at your workstation. It can begin during the exam, get amended in your office and finished in a conference room. No matter which device you use, every word is faithfully recorded and updated instantly in the EHR.
Dragon Medical solutions accurately translate the doctor’s voice into a rich, detailed clinical narrative that feeds directly into the EHR.
No matter how you work, we have a Dragon Medical solution to match. Choose from cloud, on-premise, or a hybrid deployment approach.
Nuance solutions are designed to work seamlessly with all major EHR platforms —including Epic®, Cerner®, eClinicalWorks, athenahealth®, MEDITECH®, and more.
Personalizations are shared instantly across all platforms and devices, from desktop to tablet, to smartphone.
Every story is understood faster and better because our solutions are informed by Clintegrity CDI, the industry’s leading document quality knowledge base.
Add to the patient story no matter where you are—Dragon Medical works with Nuance’s broader portfolio of medical imaging and clinical documentation improvement solutions.
To add even more detail to your narrative, you can choose healthcare apps specific to your organization’s needs—or even build your own and embed Dragon Medical for a seamless experience.
Dragon Medical is the go-to speech recognition solution for more than 10,000 healthcare facilities and 500,000 physicians worldwide. Our solutions ensure 300 million patient stories get told accurately every year.
Clinicians can document patient stories more completely and in their own words—enabling them to update the history of present illness, review of symptoms, physical examination and assessment and plan in real time.
Designed and priced exclusively for independent practices of 24 physicians or fewer, Dragon Medical Practice Edition is up to 99% accurate out of the box and includes a complete range of medical vocabularies.
Covering nearly 90 specialties and subspecialties, Dragon Medical Practice Edition helps clinicians document the complete patient history and physical information. And the experience is the same from workstation to workstation.
The clinical narrative is updated in real time, so clinicians don’t have to wait for transcribed reports or spend time typing into their EHRs, allowing more time to spend with patients.
Dragon Medical Practice Edition lets clinicians navigate any Windows®-based EHR system using voice commands—three times faster than most people can type or click with a mouse—supporting EHR adoption.
Dragon Medical Practice Edition supports HIPAA patient confidentiality guidelines, a critical requirement for any practice concerned with patient confidentiality.
Practices that supply documentation through Dragon Medical speech recognition technology earn a higher rate of reimbursement than practices that provide notes built by point-and-click EHR templates alone.
Using speech recognition technology, clinicians dictate, edit and sign medical records right at the point of care—saving up to $12,000 in annual documentation costs.